Takeoff Monkey Blog

MORE THAN A NAME: Takeoff Monkey, What's in a Name?

Written by Tommy Lather | Sep 14, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Takeoff Monkey, What’s in a Name?

 Although Takeoff Monkey is catchy, fun and offers strong brand recognition (and produces hilarious content), there’s much more behind the name. “Takeoff monkey” is a term used often in the construction and landscape industries to identify a (oftentimes green) team member whose role is to produce takeoffs (material quantities and measurements) for estimating, known to be a monotonous, time consuming and undesirable task. A task that even a monkey could do (albeit a very patient and detail oriented monkey)!

 While we don’t disagree that the takeoff process can be a monotonous, time consuming and undesirable task, there’s also HUGE value to doing it well.   That’s where we step in! We pride ourselves on elevating the term takeoff monkey to be indicative of a partnership that provides highly accurate takeoffs to meet the always urgent turnaround expectations and deadlines set in the construction and landscape industries.  

 Securing accurate takeoffs is crucial to achieving sound project financials, material allocation and establishing shared confidence between our partners and their clients. Takeoff Monkey’s leadership team has more than 75 years of combined experience in the landscape industry, understanding not only the value of accurate takeoffs but the complications that a poor takeoff can cause. When our client partners come to us, they have access to like minded industry professionals who truly understand their world and the stresses that come with it. We get it!

 Takeoff Monkey leverages technology, data analyzation, industry best practices and our deep understanding of the landscape industry and takeoff processes to provide extremely accurate takeoffs within 48-hours (irrigation designs within 75-hours!). We go beyond the green team member our brand was inspired by and provide the invaluable quality of thinking like an owner for our partners. This is experienced through accurate quantity calculations, cost saving ideas, detailed references and bids that will stand out from your competitors. We challenge ourselves to think past the immediate requests we receive and invest in identifying opportunities for improved offerings and processes to extend to our partners and inturn, their clients.

 Don’t let your projects slip on that proverbial banana peel, partner with Takeoff Monkey!